Embrace the Mess

As I was jotting down some of my thoughts today, as they drift, I noticed there’s one that keeps circling back around, and I must say, it has bothered me. People have been expressing a Continue reading Embrace the Mess

The Great Human Hack (& Dueling Fiddles)

This is a hot topic among writers, and a tough one. As I’m trying to gather my thoughts on how AI will likely affect me and others like me, the technology races ahead. Everywhere I Continue reading The Great Human Hack (& Dueling Fiddles)

Off I go! To the Atlanta Writers Conference

Today and tomorrow, I’ll be attending the Atlanta Writers Conference. I haven’t been around a huge group of people like that in a long time, and I have to say, I’m looking forward to it. Continue reading Off I go! To the Atlanta Writers Conference

Distraction in a Time of War: Vikings and Raised by Wolves

There’s been so much going on. I’ve been finding it hard to stop my brain from switching back and forth between images from the stories I’m trying to write and stories of real people, if Continue reading Distraction in a Time of War: Vikings and Raised by Wolves

Forgotten Civilizations: A Sympathetic Look at Symbols, Reflective of our Times

I received an email today from Luna Station Quarterly announcing its newest issue. It says, “There is always hope… even in this troublesome batch of stories… where grief, loneliness and other prickly emotions take center Continue reading Forgotten Civilizations: A Sympathetic Look at Symbols, Reflective of our Times

This Way Lies Quicksand

Across western society, we have sensed for a long time that the emotional centers of ourselves are lacking an outlet and as a result are under-developing, and it is a shame. So often, when we Continue reading This Way Lies Quicksand

UFO Weirdness continued: a “New Sheriff in Town”

I can tell by the number of hits to my previous post (“UFOs: Why so weird?”) that this topic interests many of you. I have a little more to say. The evidence we’ve been given Continue reading UFO Weirdness continued: a “New Sheriff in Town”

UFOs: Why so weird?

If there’s one topic that’s always sort of lurking in the back of my mind, it’s UFOs. Or as the recent lingo goes, UAPs. But I’m going to stick with the term UFO here, because Continue reading UFOs: Why so weird?

Personal Narratives, Tribalism, and Robots

I recently read a book recommended to me by one of my beta readers, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by historian Yuval Noah Harari. The topic is quite large, and to be honest, I Continue reading Personal Narratives, Tribalism, and Robots

A Time to Listen

The plan was to write something positive this time, or even a sort of neutral post, maybe about what I’ve been enjoying in some of the books I’ve been reading lately. Seemed like we could Continue reading A Time to Listen