The Delay at the Crossing

It was a bone-cold morning, and Ruthie Capella felt life was simply too cruel. It had stolen from her yet another decent night’s sleep. She pulled at the railing in the subway car, hardly remembering Continue reading The Delay at the Crossing

The Parable of the Kitty

“Where have you gone off to?” said the father, a widower, as he opened Lilly’s door. There on the bed sat Lilly, sucking on her thumb, her pink taffeta dress spread like an Elizabethan ruff. Continue reading The Parable of the Kitty

Upside-down Boy and the Wishing Star

The stitches were frayed only every inch or so, Josh concluded, as he picked at them with his fingernail. He wondered what it took to unstitch a car. But even that was boring. He had Continue reading Upside-down Boy and the Wishing Star